Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia was the winner on realworldcasting.com. She won this spot because of her loyal and supportive group of friends who fought hard for her in order to win. Even though Ayiiia is from Mexican heritage and fluently speaks Spanish she is making her first time traveling for extended periods in Mexico. It's clear that she speaks her thoughts. However, sometimes she does it at times with such a ferocity that she isn't liked by her roommates. The reality of The Real World is more challenging than she thought. Ayiiia is a former socialite with a past of substance abuse and cutting. Although she's loyal to the ones she loves, and boasts to be nonjudgmental don't get on her bad side since Ayiiia is the kind of one who holds an unresolved grudge. Ayiiia began a relationship that was serious. She lived with her mother at home in San Diego, and looking for a home before the reunion. Jonna and she Jonna were not close at the time of the reunion due to disagreements that they experienced while filming.

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